Whats weird is I like them all . Its not weird to like CB stuff but I used to not like them . As much as I dig aros , there was something in them that I didnt like but now I do . I can smoke a pouch of any of them down pretty quick , though I like blending with the cherry ... its a little too much for me straight .
It started at my friends house when I loaded up some 1Q for his jar while we were hanging out a little while ago . I liked it . Ive been liking the Gold for a good while now but I figured it was the exception .. its so a no brainer easy blend .
Anyway , its a trip how you can try something , more than once , not like it for a long time and then suddenly like it
What scares teh shit out of me is maybe somethng happened and next time I pop a tin of Dans Patriot flake ... Illl hate it