Damage to the tobacco chamber?

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I would like to ask for advice from experienced pipe smokers regarding the following situation:

Recently, I received a Savinelli briar pipe as a gift. I had never smoked a pipe before, but before trying it, I carefully studied all the nuances of pipe smoking and tried to do everything correctly. I packed the bowl, seemingly not too tightly, and did not overheat the pipe.

During cleaning (after the pipe had cooled down), I closely examined the tobacco chamber and noticed two things that puzzled me.

First, at the very bottom, there is a small bump—something like a tiny protrusion or "nub."

Second, around the hole leading into the draft channel, I noticed either some kind of buildup or carbon deposit.

What could this be? Could it cause problems in the future? Is it possible that it was there from the start, or did I somehow cause damage myself? Or is this completely normal, and there's nothing to worry about?

Many thanks in advance! Image
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Im not sure how the inside of the chamber appears to be pointing out in the picture ... so , oter than I dont understand that .. what I think it is is the " carbon ' they pre treat the chamber with . The nub is probably where the machine touches it and dispenses the " carbon " .... its nothing to worry about at all . Ive seen that on some of my pipes over the years , providing I understand what Im looking at

However , Im stil stumped on that picture , lol
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Thank you. I can take another photo if that helps. What bothers me the most is the right side, the peeling or carbon buildup around the hole
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Ancora wrote: Sat Feb 01, 2025 12:20 pm Thank you. I can take another photo if that helps. What bothers me the most is the right side, the peeling or carbon buildup around the hole
If it obscuring the hole , you coud always just ream it down . Im pretty certain its just build up . If you dont have a pipe reamer , depending on if there enough room , the tip of a butter knife twisted down in there could remove it ... or a similar " reaming " type thing that isnt too sharp
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Oh ..... I see it now , lol .... man , I was looing at it in like an opposite reality . Yeah , youre good to go ... its just carbon build up .... ream it and youre golden . Thats actually a killer picture , once I swa it not backwards in my head
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If you have a stockman pattern pocket knife , the spey blade could work wonders on it . You just dont want to " go deep . Stockmans make excellent pipe knives , imho
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The blade on the left , given its shape , would work quite excellent . But if you have a reamer , no doubt use it instead

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Thank you, I apologize for the confusion. I wanted to take the photo as close as possible for convenience. I think this one is better :D
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" The blade on the left , given its shape , would work quite excellent . But if you have a reamer , no doubt use it instead" - Got it :)
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The Mayor
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Ancora wrote: Sat Feb 01, 2025 12:36 pm Thank you, I apologize for the confusion. I wanted to take the photo as close as possible for convenience. I think this one is better :D
Theyre both excellent pictures my friend . Your camera is much better than mine :thumbs:
" I believe adventure is nothing but a romantic name for trouble " L.L.
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