Your first chew

Dr Uhaha
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My first chew was a pinch of Redman (Original) my G-Grandfather gave me when he was ~95 and I was ~11. G-Grandad was quite a character. He could barely see, but when he would get a pinch of chew in his mouth he would start back and forth in his rocker cackling and telling stories, occasionally spitting towards a spittoon on the rug by his chair with about a 50% accuracy rate.
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That's actually a difficult question for me, it's as though I was meant to chew long leaf from the get go. Purchased Redman and Beechnut Wintergreen the first chance I had the nerve to slap then on the counter, I know I wasn't sixteen yet. Been a Redman fan ever since. My last run was with the Golden Blend and Lancaster. Quit that and dip at the same time shortly after I picked up the pipe for the umphteen time a few years back.

Every now and then I have a hankering for a chew. It's the seven bucks or whatever a pouch cost now that stops me.
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My first "dip" I think you call it ? When I served with the Ghurkhas, we had tea (which in itself is another story !!!) and everyone was taking pinches of "Stuff". like a gullible fool (by the way .. gullible isn't in the dictionary) I asked what it was ? Kahini, chewing tobacco. Can I try some I asked ?
The lads used to mix it with lime powder. It burns into the epidermis, and the nicotine hits the blood stream like a train. I floated off to the toilet to spit it out. However I got used to it, and enjoyed it tremendously. It smells like an open Indian sewer, but once in, it's OK. Go figure ?
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We took a family vacation to Arkansas to visit my aunt and uncle when I was about ten. An older (although probably only in his 50s) neighbor of theirs chewed Redman. I asked what it was like and he offered me the pouch and told me to be careful with it or it'll make you sick; ah, head spinning nicotine goodness. I don't chew much anymore because I know too much about the potential damage it can do, but I found some Cannon Ball plug in OCNJ this summer that I'll open up soon.
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Never dipped, never snuffed. Black gums and nostrils doesn't seem like a good look for me.
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