My dilemma

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The Mayor
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Im very much an addict when it comes to snuff . So much so that when I get a binge on , it gets to where I wont smoke .... not even a pipe ... and that sucks . Ill be quitting cigarettes soon and ill do teh snuff instead . The dilemma is that Ill have to keep in mind to smoke a pipe . Its nuts . Ill do 50 snuffs in a day and it will keep me up a bit later at night as well . I Wish I could just smoke a pipe constantly but I cant ... so the snuff will do it
My favorite snuff is Superior Scotch ... its freakish . I used to hook folks up with snuff being its everywhere here and used to be cheap . the 1.15 oz can of most any brand was 5.50 ... then it jumped to 9 .... and now its like 17 bucks . The large cans are 53 bucks .... wtf . The government must have imposed a new tax recently , I about fell over when I noticed the large can of topps sweet last night . Topps was usually a bit cheaper than the rest . I imagine a large can of Superior is 60 bucks .... such bullshit

Anyway , Im starting to rant

Im not gonna start snuffing to quit cigarettes just yet but ive got a good little stash to probably get me there or close . The Toque and Silver Dollar stuff is for children but the rest of the stuff will do the job

If you ever want a snuff that has nicotine but is sweet and mild to hit , then Id suggest Buttercup . its milder than Tops sweet but has the same nicotine " drive "

When I start up , Ill try to log in how it goes . Its not an interesting topic but what the hell , right
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Good stuff. Honey Bee is pretty good too.
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Kevin Keith
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I like Garrett Sweet and Garrett Scotch snuff. It’s really all I’ve seen around here. About 10 clams per can!
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montag wrote: Sun Jul 07, 2024 6:05 pm Good stuff. Honey Bee is pretty good too.
Society, Tube Rose, and Checkerberry are good scotch sweets. I cant find any American Scotchs anywhere so I order non-scotch on Mr.Snuff or Toque.
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xtian wrote: Mon Jul 29, 2024 12:13 pm
montag wrote: Sun Jul 07, 2024 6:05 pm Good stuff. Honey Bee is pretty good too.
Society, Tube Rose, and Checkerberry are good scotch sweets. I cant find any American Scotchs anywhere so I order non-scotch on Mr.Snuff or Toque.
I’m down to two places where I can find snuff locally (with in half an hours drive or so).
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The Mayor
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You guys need to move down south . Lower taxes . less bullshit and its where tobacco comes from . We got it all
" I believe adventure is nothing but a romantic name for trouble " L.L.
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