Lane 1Q is really good

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I was never a fan of 1Q . Actually , there wasn't many Lane bulks I liked a whole lot . BCA is always good and their Smokers Pride Black Cavendish . RLP6 was always good too . I had those and 1Q in the shop , along with a few others from Lane , back in the day . But I mostly am a Macbaren / Sutliff guy . Sutliff has so many blends I like its frightening , though the molto dolce thing didnt do it for me . Hell , I should probably retry that one .

Anyway , I was hanging at my buddy simons house a while back and had an empty pipe that I wanted to show him . I look on his shelf and he had a jar of PS LBF and Lane 1Q . I asked if I could smoke a bowl of the 1Q in his room while we were hanging out . I lit it up and was surprised . Smoked it to ash . There was something I didnt like about the flavor profile of a lot of Lane stuff ... like that similar thing that a brand will contain in a good many blends . It didnt agree with me but now it does

1Q is really a killer aromatic . No bite , smokes cool , tastes nice and the room note is stellar . Ive smoked 4 oz of it plus a pouch of CB Royal which is similar in a few weeks[ a month I reckon ] but its enough to know I like it . Theres certain Aromatics I dont like to be without and I dont know if 1Q is one of those but its a damn good one

Its a very popular blend and I can see why . Of course , I guarantee if you dig 1Q , if you were to go down the sutliff aro line , youd fine a number of them you flip over . Sutliff really has so many flavorings and combos of them , way more than Lane . Theres no reason not to find a killer sutliff aro because theyre there

Ive been digging CB Gold the last few months also , which is a Lane product

I wish Lane products were still made in Georgia . Nothing is sacred , it seems
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I haven’t tried it yet, is it a Virginia blended with cavendish, or a Virginia cavendish? The description on smoking pipes left me wondering.
Just a hill William with a BS in Appalachian Engineering
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Plinsc wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2024 4:24 pm I haven’t tried it yet, is it a Virginia blended with cavendish, or a Virginia cavendish? The description on smoking pipes left me wondering.
Its a cavendish blend that runs the range of colors . When a sutliff or Lane bulk says .. Virginia , Burley or whatever else can rest assured its a steamed out one . So few of the bulk blends from either company have " uncavendished" virginia or burley" .... Its like if they mention that , maybe they mean a steamed virginia or burley without added flavorings ... I dont know but its all steamed and its a burley and virginia cavendish .. might lean more virginia cavendish Id imagine .
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Piping Abe
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Lane 1Q is excellent. Its a pretty straight forward American Aromatic. There is no tobacco flavor though. But what it does, it does really well. Its not something ill order, but i’ll never turn a bowl down if it’s offered.
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Piping Abe wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2024 5:39 pm Lane 1Q is excellent. Its a pretty straight forward American Aromatic. There is no tobacco flavor though. But what it does, it does really well. Its not something ill order, but i’ll never turn a bowl down if it’s offered.
Its better than that shit you usually smoke :lol:

Just kidding .. how goes it , Abe
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Plinsc wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2024 4:24 pm I haven’t tried it yet, is it a Virginia blended with cavendish, or a Virginia cavendish? The description on smoking pipes left me wondering.
Lanes MV1000 is an all viginia cavendish and its pretty damn good . MacBaren Black Ambrosia is an all black all virginia cavendish that is outstanding also
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Ruffinogold wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2024 5:46 pm
Plinsc wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2024 4:24 pm I haven’t tried it yet, is it a Virginia blended with cavendish, or a Virginia cavendish? The description on smoking pipes left me wondering.
Lanes MV1000 is an all viginia cavendish and its pretty damn good . MacBaren Black Ambrosia is an all black all virginia cavendish that is outstanding also
One of the first blends I tried and loved it. RLP-6, for how loved it is, I got no flavor from it ever. It probably flashed off or something. MV-1000. Man that is a good smoke. What CB is that? Round Taste?
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Ruffinogold wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2024 5:42 pm
Piping Abe wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2024 5:39 pm Lane 1Q is excellent. Its a pretty straight forward American Aromatic. There is no tobacco flavor though. But what it does, it does really well. Its not something ill order, but i’ll never turn a bowl down if it’s offered.
Its better than that shit you usually smoke :lol:

Just kidding .. how goes it , Abe
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1Q (or the CB equivalent) is one I keep going back to because of the aroma. It is that easy going aromatic smell you think of when you think pipe smoking. I seldom smoke it straight these days; I prefer to add some to a simple Virginia so I get the tobacco taste and the 1Q aroma.
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Ruffinogold wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2024 5:30 pm
Plinsc wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2024 4:24 pm I haven’t tried it yet, is it a Virginia blended with cavendish, or a Virginia cavendish? The description on smoking pipes left me wondering.
Its a cavendish blend that runs the range of colors . When a sutliff or Lane bulk says .. Virginia , Burley or whatever else can rest assured its a steamed out one . So few of the bulk blends from either company have " uncavendished" virginia or burley" .... Its like if they mention that , maybe they mean a steamed virginia or burley without added flavorings ... I dont know but its all steamed and its a burley and virginia cavendish .. might lean more virginia cavendish Id imagine .
Just a hill William with a BS in Appalachian Engineering
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