Code of Conduct - Read Before Posting

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Joined: Sun Apr 22, 2018 8:44 am
Location: Buffalo, NY

My sole goal with PSF is to create a place where a diverse group of pipe smokers from around the world can safely and civilly share their mutual interests.

Buying or selling tobacco is not allowed on this forum.

Selling pipes is allowed on this forum.

Commercial interests posing as forum users is prohibited.

Self promotion and/or advertising commercial interests is prohibited.

Sensitive topics such as race, sexual preference, sexually explicit conversation and/or images, and controlled substances are prohibited.

Religion and politics are allowed, but remember that these conversations can quickly escalate into a total shitshow. Use your better judgement before clicking Submit on any post that contains religious or political content. Egregious violations will be moderated and the user warned. Break this rule more than once and we will re-evaluate whether or not you are suited to this community.

Plagiarism, cross posting, and posting comments that already appear verbatim on other internet forums or on a tobacco reviews website is prohibited.

Posting links to material relevant to the discussion is allowed, should be obvious to the users what should and should not be posted, and will be monitored by administration for breaches of this code of conduct.

This forum exists for CIVIL discussion.
  • Arguing is part of human nature, and that is fine.
  • Shit talking is fine. We're all men here, except for the women that is. You know what I mean.

There will be zero tolerance for mean spiritedness, personal attacks, or other behavior that administration deems contrary to the well being of this community.

The expectation is that the community will moderate itself. If you receive a caution or warning from administration, you are expected to comply and desist immediately. I promise you that the hammer is locked downstairs in a locked box under the stairs with a stack of boxes on top. If you are being addressed by administration, we felt it serious enough to intervene. The public forum is not the place for you to argue your case with administration. PM the admin member who addressed you and they will allow you to state your case if you feel the need, but the conversation will be brief and you will abide by the admin member's final word.

Lastly, one account per person, please. Members found to have multiple accounts on PSF will be chastised and all but the original account will be deleted. Also, every member of PSF must have their account registered to a valid email address. Not having a valid email registered to your account is grounds for account termination.

Thank you for being here and enjoy yourselves!
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Thomas Paine
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Location: Buffalo, NY

Lastly, one account per person, please. Members found to have multiple accounts on PSF will be chastised and all but the original account will be deleted. Also, every member of PSF must have their account registered to a valid email address. Not having a valid email registered to your account is grounds for account termination.
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Thomas Paine
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Joined: Sun Apr 22, 2018 8:44 am
Location: Buffalo, NY

Members are free to come and go as they please, but I will no longer respond to requests for account deletion or deactivation.

In my experience, members who request an account deletion return to PSF after some time has passed and they've cooled off over whatever caused the butthurt in the first place.

Say what you want to say. PSF will not censor your posts unless you violate the Code of Conduct, but once you've clicked Submit your content becomes part of PSF. I am not going to get caught in an endless cycle of making phantom accounts for users who decide to leave, only to return at some later date.

I don't think this policy is too different from what you'll find in most places on the internet.

The fact of the matter is, if something happened here that made you want to leave, well I regret that any member of PSF would ever feel that way. I'll just say that if you're here, and you aren't getting moderated for Code of Conduct violations, you are a valued member of this community and we don't want to see anyone leave. We also understand that interests change and people take insult over things that are said in web forums.

You wouldn't be here if we didn't want you here, so if you've taken insult please consider taking a time out from PSF or placing the offending member on your Foe (Ignore) list. If the offending member crossed a line we will deal with it, rest assured. I know from personal experience that at times on the internet, because I allowed myself to project intent onto interactions that didn't cross the line, I have taken insult. In those instances it was my choice to let it go or place that member on Ignore, and that is what I am going to suggest for anyone who runs into a similar situation.
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Thomas Paine