What's In Your Lip?

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sisyphus wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2024 7:33 am initially my reaction to nicotine pouches was negative. I still view it as a woke European thing, but it took over the market and what are you going to do?

Two of my three regulars now are nicotine pouches. I appreciate the hell out of the one that is actually tobacco, but for the purpose of what I use them for the nicotine pouches are fine and when they're good they're good.

I don't think the market is going to change, and nicotine pouches are going to have a bigger slice of that market until tobacco is finally gone altogether. Initially I bought them so my wife wouldn't have to live with my tobacco stained teeth and found out they were acceptable. At the end of the day if they give me the nicotine I need I'm not going to waste energy being pointlessly outraged over it. I'd just as soon they were all tobacco, but they're fine.
I started with them initially (rogue) but then I discovered the Swedish snus. Hated them at first but quickly fell in love with it (general white) and started ordering online. I definitely prefer snus but the nicotine pouches are readily available I just wish they weren’t so sweet. If Copenhagen made a snus that had a similar flavor to their snuff I think it would be perfection as far as an American version of snus goes. But alas we Americans do love our sweets so we’re left with sweet nicotine pouches and skoal and grizzly snus
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General white portion.
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