The non method of pipe smoking ( for newbies )

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Ruffinogold wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2023 3:54 pm When I think stem polish .... Christina Hendricks comes to mind for some reason
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Ruffinogold wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2023 3:54 pm When I think stem polish .... Christina Hendricks comes to mind for some reason
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Kevin Keith wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2023 5:20 pm
Ruffinogold wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2023 3:54 pm When I think stem polish .... Christina Hendricks comes to mind for some reason
Why are you encouraging them?
-- The Rhinestone Dandy.
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Citizen B wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2023 3:41 pm
ric03 wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2023 3:13 am
Richard Hanson wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 10:21 pm
Tip, don't let a golden retriever steal your lighter and burry it in the back yard; bad dog, bad dog.
Don't try to scratch an itch on your nose if you're holding a lit Zippo 🔥😱 :lol:
But nose oil makes the best stem polish. ;)
What about oiling your nose with stem polish?
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ric03 wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2023 9:52 pm
Citizen B wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2023 3:41 pm
ric03 wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2023 3:13 am

Don't try to scratch an itch on your nose if you're holding a lit Zippo 🔥😱 :lol:
But nose oil makes the best stem polish. ;)
What about oiling your nose with stem polish?
Well, pretty much, I stand with the Mayor and what he said in the original post that started this thread. There are some very profound thoughts contained in that. Ruff spouts a lot of nonsense sometimes but if you pay close attention he will answer all your questions.
Ruffinogold wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 11:19 pm I've been out of the loop here for a time given my newish job . It takes me out of town and is long hours . I don't know the amount of newbies we have here and I apologise for that . My " new life " has new challenges and I'm getting a better grip on my time management but it's been a bit tricky

So , that said , for any new pipe smokers .. i'd like to mention some things that may be a little contrary to info spewed out at pipe forums in general . Not that the info isn't good , it is , but too much info about how to do something can make doing something new a bit of a chore ... and God forbid that happens

Anything I say is just imho and isn't gospel . I'm just gonna toss out some basic tips and " tricks " that aren't methods but just , i don't know , non BS things I guess

I was blessed with owning a pipe/cigar joint outside Tampa Florida some years ago and was able to watch people smoke . By watching , I kinda figured what the problem was when someone was having an issue at first . 95 % of the time it was sonething basic and silly . The other 5% was hopelessness ... lol . Anyway , I never had a customer not " get " pipe smoking in pretty short order of time

Filling a pipe ..... It's the main screw up for non pipe smoking enjoyment in the beginning, it really is . Here's the thing .... for some reason , guys get obsessed with tamping... I swear , I watched guys cram the hell out of the blend and complain about the pipe not smoking well .. lol . I'd tell them ... Man , You're so punishing that thing . If it were a living thing , you'd have killed it . Or maybe they just " packed " the pipe too tightly to begin with , which was the case often too . The other end was too loose , which can go hot and fast
Obviously the place where it works is in the middle somewhere , and depending on the blend/cut , that can fluctuate a little bit

So , if you're having a time at it , you can start on the loose end ... at least it will burn , right . Sticking with a couple few blends at first will make things a bit eassier because you can get used to a blend . At first it's tempting to jump around between many a blend because you want to taste all the stuff but try to avoid that .
Also , some cuts/blends are just easier in general and I'll make a short list of easier ones that folks can add on too

Here's a " trick " .. dry hitting . I mean , if you dry hit the pipe when filled before lighting and it feels tight or way airy ... there's probably a reason for that . Too tight , too loose

Over thinking can be an enemy also . Realize , that if I'm able to smoke a pipe , most any one can. It's just wood with two holes , tobacco ( which burns ) and you ( a human ) . Humans will always win against wood , holes and tobacco , I promise . So , relights etc .... forget about it

Another " trick " . If your pipe is getting weak, meaning you draw on it and it's not producing much smoke , you can put your thumb/finger lightly over the bowl while drawing in and it will produce a combustion of sorts and get things fired up again . Someone pointed out to me on the old forum that it wasnt combustion but some other term id never heard of ... for the sake of not giving a rats ass about terms , lets just go with combustion.

I favor straights , mainly because my collection is more straights than bents , but I couldn't tell you why . I also like bent volcanos alot . Though it shouldn't be an issue , there's a touch more chance for a pipe to have an airway issue if bent . I don't know a number to back this up but it's one of those things that exist . I'm not saying to only get a straight , I'm not , just that they are less likely to have an issue . Really , there are ways to drill a bent spot on and it shouldfnt be an issue . A pipe cleaner passing through is a good indicator , though it isn't 100 percent nessisary

A Pot shaped pipe

I have a real affection for them . They are the trickier of the shapes to get down
Pots vary a bit , like all traditional shapes , but I'm talking the ones with wide shallow bowls . When char lighting or first light ... go for the sides with the flame more than the center ( like a cigar ) . A dry hit is a good idea with a pot for sure , especially with a new to you blend

The fill job . Dear God , there's many a method and they all work because there's degrees of too tight or too loose in any method . Just fill it or pick a " method " that makes sense if you have to . In time , you'll fill by feel and the feel will be a little different with different types of blends

Spazzing .... spaz if you want but if you spaz too much it may get hot or crap tasting . I smoke alot while working . My work is physical and I can spazz a bit sometimes. There's this magic " sipping " that gets talked about and it's valid but find your cadence for a blend at first

Some easy to smoke blends

In general , a ribbon cut is pretty damn easy to light andf keep lit . The " cavendish cuts " are pretty easy too because they are " ribbonish " with some shorter and or thicker things in there too sometimes

Easy aromatic

Sir Walter Raleigh Aromatic is a super easy to light and keep lit blend .. its near brainless . Like any aronatic , if you dont like the flavoring, it won't work for you. But if you dig the flavoring of SWRA.. then you're golden for a good start. It has nicotine too , which is kinda rare in the aromatic world

Easy English

Balkan Sasieni , Germains King Charles ( like we'll ever see Germain blends again .. lol )

Easy Vaper

McConnels Scottish Cake and Sutliff Crumble Cake Vaper ( a new blend that is quite good )

Easy Burley

Most of the non black cavendish " regular otc , like PA , Grainger and SWR . Velvet is damp and takes three lights to get going or maybe 4 .

EDIT 7/26/2023 .... Velvet is drier these days and its a plus .

Some others

Carter Hall , IRC Old Colonial ( it's fasntastic beyond for me ) , most any IRC three star Blend , MB Scottish

Black Cavendish blends , for the most part are pretty easy , but there are some super damp ones thast aren't and unfortunately cavendish gets lumped in often times but it's just not true . Smokers Pride black cavendish is damp to the touch and. Lights and burns pretty damn easy, as an example

Any way , I didn't plan this thread, just kinda stream of consciousness wrote it out so it isn't complete .

If you're a new pipe smoker , just relax and enjoy
-- The Rhinestone Dandy.
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Citizen B wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2023 5:48 pm
Kevin Keith wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2023 5:20 pm
Ruffinogold wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2023 3:54 pm When I think stem polish .... Christina Hendricks comes to mind for some reason
Why are you encouraging them?
I’m an instigator.
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Piping Abe wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2023 4:17 pm
Ruffinogold wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2023 3:54 pm When I think stem polish .... Christina Hendricks comes to mind for some reason
That's a far cry from Mad Men. :lol:
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No wonder they’re mad.
Just a hill William with a BS in Appalachian Engineering
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You animals.

Hendricks commented in September 2010 that the media is too focused on women's bodies and not their actual talents. "I was working my butt off on Mad Men and then all anyone was talking about was my body."
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Ronv69 wrote: Wed Nov 29, 2023 1:03 pm You animals.

Hendricks commented in September 2010 that the media is too focused on women's bodies and not their actual talents. "I was working my butt off on Mad Men and then all anyone was talking about was my body."

Next time you talk with her let her know I found it.

Just a hill William with a BS in Appalachian Engineering
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