Ruffinogold wrote: ↑Thu Mar 14, 2019 11:19 pm
I've been out of the loop here for a time given my newish job . It takes me out of town and is long hours . I don't know the amount of newbies we have here and I apologise for that . My " new life " has new challenges and I'm getting a better grip on my time management but it's been a bit tricky
So , that said , for any new pipe smokers .. i'd like to mention some things that may be a little contrary to info spewed out at pipe forums in general . Not that the info isn't good , it is , but too much info about how to do something can make doing something new a bit of a chore ... and God forbid that happens
Anything I say is just imho and isn't gospel . I'm just gonna toss out some basic tips and " tricks " that aren't methods but just , i don't know , non BS things I guess
I was blessed with owning a pipe/cigar joint outside Tampa Florida some years ago and was able to watch people smoke . By watching , I kinda figured what the problem was when someone was having an issue at first . 95 % of the time it was sonething basic and silly . The other 5% was hopelessness ... lol . Anyway , I never had a customer not " get " pipe smoking in pretty short order of time
Filling a pipe ..... It's the main screw up for non pipe smoking enjoyment in the beginning, it really is . Here's the thing .... for some reason , guys get obsessed with tamping... I swear , I watched guys cram the hell out of the blend and complain about the pipe not smoking well .. lol . I'd tell them ... Man , You're so punishing that thing . If it were a living thing , you'd have killed it . Or maybe they just " packed " the pipe too tightly to begin with , which was the case often too . The other end was too loose , which can go hot and fast
Obviously the place where it works is in the middle somewhere , and depending on the blend/cut , that can fluctuate a little bit
So , if you're having a time at it , you can start on the loose end ... at least it will burn , right . Sticking with a couple few blends at first will make things a bit eassier because you can get used to a blend . At first it's tempting to jump around between many a blend because you want to taste all the stuff but try to avoid that .
Also , some cuts/blends are just easier in general and I'll make a short list of easier ones that folks can add on too
Here's a " trick " .. dry hitting . I mean , if you dry hit the pipe when filled before lighting and it feels tight or way airy ... there's probably a reason for that . Too tight , too loose
Over thinking can be an enemy also . Realize , that if I'm able to smoke a pipe , most any one can. It's just wood with two holes , tobacco ( which burns ) and you ( a human ) . Humans will always win against wood , holes and tobacco , I promise . So , relights etc .... forget about it
Another " trick " . If your pipe is getting weak, meaning you draw on it and it's not producing much smoke , you can put your thumb/finger lightly over the bowl while drawing in and it will produce a combustion of sorts and get things fired up again . Someone pointed out to me on the old forum that it wasnt combustion but some other term id never heard of ... for the sake of not giving a rats ass about terms , lets just go with combustion.
I favor straights , mainly because my collection is more straights than bents , but I couldn't tell you why . I also like bent volcanos alot . Though it shouldn't be an issue , there's a touch more chance for a pipe to have an airway issue if bent . I don't know a number to back this up but it's one of those things that exist . I'm not saying to only get a straight , I'm not , just that they are less likely to have an issue . Really , there are ways to drill a bent spot on and it shouldfnt be an issue . A pipe cleaner passing through is a good indicator , though it isn't 100 percent nessisary
A Pot shaped pipe
I have a real affection for them . They are the trickier of the shapes to get down
Pots vary a bit , like all traditional shapes , but I'm talking the ones with wide shallow bowls . When char lighting or first light ... go for the sides with the flame more than the center ( like a cigar ) . A dry hit is a good idea with a pot for sure , especially with a new to you blend
The fill job . Dear God , there's many a method and they all work because there's degrees of too tight or too loose in any method . Just fill it or pick a " method " that makes sense if you have to . In time , you'll fill by feel and the feel will be a little different with different types of blends
Spazzing .... spaz if you want but if you spaz too much it may get hot or crap tasting . I smoke alot while working . My work is physical and I can spazz a bit sometimes. There's this magic " sipping " that gets talked about and it's valid but find your cadence for a blend at first
Some easy to smoke blends
In general , a ribbon cut is pretty damn easy to light andf keep lit . The " cavendish cuts " are pretty easy too because they are " ribbonish " with some shorter and or thicker things in there too sometimes
Easy aromatic
Sir Walter Raleigh Aromatic is a super easy to light and keep lit blend .. its near brainless . Like any aronatic , if you dont like the flavoring, it won't work for you. But if you dig the flavoring of SWRA.. then you're golden for a good start. It has nicotine too , which is kinda rare in the aromatic world
Easy English
Balkan Sasieni , Germains King Charles ( like we'll ever see Germain blends again .. lol )
Easy Vaper
McConnels Scottish Cake and Sutliff Crumble Cake Vaper ( a new blend that is quite good )
Easy Burley
Most of the non black cavendish " regular otc , like PA , Grainger and SWR . Velvet is damp and takes three lights to get going or maybe 4 .
EDIT 7/26/2023 .... Velvet is drier these days and its a plus .
Some others
Carter Hall , IRC Old Colonial ( it's fasntastic beyond for me ) , most any IRC three star Blend , MB Scottish
Black Cavendish blends , for the most part are pretty easy , but there are some super damp ones thast aren't and unfortunately cavendish gets lumped in often times but it's just not true . Smokers Pride black cavendish is damp to the touch and. Lights and burns pretty damn easy, as an example
Any way , I didn't plan this thread, just kinda stream of consciousness wrote it out so it isn't complete .
If you're a new pipe smoker , just relax and enjoy